IT Office relocation Services

Lift n Shift from Site A to Site B

Moving time

Ensure Your Corporate Move Goes Smoothly
With IT Office Relocation Services

For small and medium-sized businesses with a sole “IT Guy” or limited resources and expertise, it’s no easy task to juggle putting out fires and meeting deadlines for larger IT infrastructure projects. The TechM8’s are here to empower your organization with individualized consulting services – ensuring your IT office relocations, backups, and infrastructure projects go off without a hitch!

What we do

New Office IT Relocations Made Easy

Office relocations can feel like an emotional rollercoaster but relocating your systems, servers, and technology doesn’t need to be stressful, as long as you plan each detail far enough in advance.

e-waste collection

Have some old monitors or desktops lying around that you longer want and are collecting dust? we’ll take them off your hands and either recycle them so they don’t end up in land fill.

How we do it

Step 1: Schedule a Visit with the IT Team and Executives

Step 2: Document your current setup

Step 3: Schedule the date

Step 4: Lift with your legs, not your back

Step 5: Re-setup, re-patch, test test test..

Step 6: Sign off from a happy customer

Find out more

0402 531 876

available from 09:00 – 19:00