“Computers have lots of memory but no imagination.” – Author Unknown

Offsite Backups

An off-site backup is a copy of a business’ production system data that is stored in a geographically different location than the production system.

What is Off-Site Backup?

Advantages of off-site backup

Off-site backup is a method of backing up data to a remote server or to media that is transported off site. The two most common forms of off-site backup are cloud backup and tape backup. During cloud backup, also referred to as online backup, a copy of the data is sent over a network to an off-site server. A third-party cloud service provider typically hosts that server, but an enterprise can also own it.

Protect data in the event of a disaster. Organizations chose off-site backup solutions to ensure protection of their data in the event of a regional natural or man-made disaster. If a fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, etc. destroys the building where the production system resides, the off-site backup won’t be impacted because it is not co-located with the original data and system.
Protection from cyberattacks. If your organization is the target of a malware attack, such as ransomware, your production data and on-site backups can be compromised. Off-site backups are secure from cyberattacks and can be used to restore your systems to a pre-ransomware status.

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